Post 1: My autobiography - Who am I?

Good afternoon everyone, I am Yerko Sáez Navarrete and I was born in Santiago, Chile. At elementary school, I studied at Marvit School in El Bosque. Later, I completed my high school education at Instituto San Pablo Misionero in San Bernardo.

I studied nurse technician at INACAP. I also obtained a specialization in cardiopulmonary resuscitation from Universidad San Sebastian in Santiago. But, for health and family reasons I quitted my job and I got ready for the PSU. I started to study Psychology in Universidad de Chile in 2019 at the faculty of social sciences.

Currently, I am living in Maipú with my parents; my siblings live in San Miguel. My hobbits are the literature and video games, especially suspenseful ones.


  1. Hello, one of my hobbits is also literature. makes me travel beyond time.

  2. I also like video games, although I do not usually play much suspense, as I am more of team games

  3. I find all your education very interesting


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